
Twitter, Rails and JavaScript used to create TheTylt.com

Integrating hashtag voting on Twitter into a chart and live stream website Led by the very talented team at Advance Digital, we helped implement the JavaScript side of the app, integrating the Twitter JSON API, HighCharts, voting and voting results. Services Mobile and Devices, Primary User and Audience Research, Twitter App Tech JavaScript, Ruby on

Los Angeles Drupal Developer

Drupal Developer Los Angeles

Drupal Website Design and Development for Comic Convention Stan Lee’s Los Angeles Comic Con is a three day event held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, attended by 65,000 fans. The Div team designed and developed a Drupal website that the Comic Con folks used for 3 years of conferences and events (2015, 2016, 2017).

Sony Pictures Stores

Sony Pictures

Responsive Drupal Theme Development We worked side-by-side with the incredibly talented design team at Sony Music / rGenerator to rebuild their central hub for artist and film stores. Built using the Drupal CMS, the site pulls in a feed from the repository of over 1,000 artist stores. Services Integration with Content Management System, Mobile and